How To Provide Clear And Useful Feedback To Virtual Employees
A 2019 Gallup Poll found many employees felt their manager didn’t give them enough feedback, while others got little to no feedback. The poll showed that employees felt disengaged and it lowered their productivity.
Tips To Bust Working Trom Home Fatigue
Have you considered how different our homes are today compared to how they used to be 10 years ago? If you’re over the age of 35 you’ll remember far simpler times. Home is now a place where we sleep, eat, shop, work and seek entertainment, not just the place for some R&R.
3 Tips To Manage Your Home And Work Life
Has your home and work life blurred into each other, so that you’re working all hours of the day and night? You’re finding it hard to switch off work and ease into your home life because everything is happening in one spot. You’re answering emails while cooking or finding the whole day has sped by without leaving your desk.
How To Build Resilience In Difficult Times
Do you remember how you coped with the last crisis in your life? Did you do it well or found it difficult? Whether you’re facing a career, business, or personal crisis, how resilient you are is key to bouncing back.
What To Do If You’re A Nervous Presenter
It’s your cue to take the podium. Do you freeze, get sweaty palms or a racing heartrate? Do your legs turn to jelly? Do you forget your opening line? Or do you glide in front of your audience and take control of the room effortlessly?
Ridding The World Of Tedious Presentations
Ken Haemer had it right when he wrote, “Designing a presentation without an audience in mind is like writing a love letter and addressing it: To Whom It May Concern.